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"Sex and the Single Guy!?"

In today's world it's hard enough to make ends meet, much less find a companion, life partner or dare I say soul mate. It's hard to cope with this pill sometimes for those of us who have been single for a long time. But unfortunately, things don't always work out the way we want them too. I personally have had a run at "the gamut of the dating world" and with mixed reviews to say the least. Not giving or taking the blame (I've met and dated some amazing women) but dating is not what's cracked up to be. I personally have a theory that the average person, especially younger generations (I used to be one of these people haha), know going into a dating scenario that if the date doesn't work out, thanks to handy dandy dating apps, they are one swipe away from what I call "upgrading" to the next "disposable" person. Sad but true. People are now more disposable then ever before.

Why do I have this (slightly jaded) perspective?? Well for one thing, nowadays anyone, anywhere can download one of dozens of dating apps in seconds and swipe to their hearts desire. If they're so inclined they can go on 5 dates in one day if they really wanted to. While the dating apps (I'm not completely knocking them) do advertise to increase your odds of success in meeting someone, does it really? I don't know but in my experience it's only increased my odds of failure. (Okay I am kinda jaded haha). But stay with me. I know getting older isn't easy but I think people like myself who grew up in a simpler time, on the cusp of the world wide web and when AOL was running full speed (unless someone picked up the phone haha), it's hard not to be nostalgic about times that used to be a lot easier to navigate.

I know from listening to my parents stories (who met in the 1970's), I used to laugh when I was growing up when they would say they met when they were teenagers. I used to think I can't wait to date all these people and have all these life experiences (which I am glad I did) but at the same time I have to admit now that I'm getting older I am a little envious.

They met in much simpler times. Times when you met someone you really didn't know when you were going to meet someone else. I can't say for sure (maybe it seemed depressing at the time), but to me that seems kind of cool. I just think it's today's modern, fast paced, information age, google any information within seconds world we're all living in now, are we really living in a better time!?

I will admit I have my hiccups, I'm definitely not a perfect gentleman 24/7, but... for an old fashioned guy who still believes in chivalry (it's not dead yet ladies), what's the secret to finding true love in today's past faced, dating app world?? I think it's timing. We'll see if it's the case for me. Only time will tell. Oh yeah, also apparently having an android cell phone can be a dealbreaker, so just a heads up fellas. Save up for that iPhone I guess. ;)

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