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Rap Icon

Updated: May 11, 2022

The first song I ever heard from Eminem was literally at the time the scariest song I had ever heard. My best friend Rachel also neighbor introduced the song to me. I'm not sure if it was her brother or who introduced his music to her. But this particular friend was one of my closest church friends. So it's just funny that It was her who introduced Marshall Mathers to me. Rachel actually txt me about it, came over to my place. She made it super important, she was all jumpy and excited to show me. like it was something I'd be floored to hear. So I went back to her house just to hear the album and the first song she played for me was Kim. I remember thinking did he really kill his girlfriend? Do they really have issues like that? That shocking song that had me ear to ear wanting to hear more, became one of my favorite songs. A story told through song by the rap legend we all now know as the icon Eminem.




Outside of the obvious reason why, Eminem has touched the hearts of millions. People all over the world for the first time found a connection to a rap artist that didn't fit the normal sound. On some level every city, town, wherever felt this connection to his lyrics.

Born in St Missouri Marshal Bruce Mathers 111 , only child between Bruce Marshal Jr and Deborah Nelson, who were former band members of Daddy Warlocks they would play Romanda Inns along the Dakotas- Montana boarder before they separated. After his parents separated his father never kept a relationship with him.

Eminem Childhood home

Eminem and Debbie mostly stayed with family members and jumped around a lot.

till they settled In Detroit.

Eminem was always an outcast growing up. He and his mother were one of three houses on his block that were white. Heavy bullied by young black youth I believe he found his escape in his imagination through reading.

Eminem was really influenced through comic books to story tell. His Uncle Ronnie Polkingharn that he was very close to gave him his first rap sound track, called Reckless featuring Ice T. His uncle ended up killing himself but not before having a lasting music influence on Eminem life.

Manix & M&M // Rap Battle Ground

At age fortune Eminem began rapping with high school friend Mick Ruby at the time they were known at Manix and M&M latter evolving to Eminem.

There was this under ground rap seen after hours at Osborn High School lunch room. A bunch of students and people from the area would break in and have rap battles. Eminem learned here how to mix rhythm with lyrics in a prominently black music seen.

Eminem Age 15

As a teen Eminem had a lot of arguments with his mom. She kicked him out all the time and he helped pay house bills because she was unable to do it on her own. He'd use the times she took off to practice rapping and writing lyrics.

In 1988 - 1997 Eminem went through some real struggles that lead to substance abuse and suicide. During this time he had a lot of downs. He ended up getting arrested for a drive by shooting he was a part of but charges were dropped because the victim never showed up to court. At this time Eminem was in his darkest hours and he over came a really dark place. Finding self acceptance he discovered was all he ever needed to conquer his dream.

Things started to change for Eminem when he created the name Slim Shady his alter ego. People loved his vibe and the parts of him that in the past once tore him down, he now used to tell a story. Giving everyone details with visual lyrics, rythem and rhyme.

Eminem really was a inspiration for me growing up, I didn't feel like I fit in anywhere. Being a dark skin bi racial girl, I always felt in between two worlds. At a really young age I realized I had to except myself cause a lot of other people might not. and I had to be ok with that and he was a person who really made me want to be myself.

His lyrics and the way he put things into rhythm really helped me through some really tough teenage and adult hardships. He touched millions all over the world, he majorly influenced the rap game.

Showing everyone, your dream is in your hands. No matter what color your skin, or where you'r from, if you want it enough anything is possible.

Saying to listeners, your story doesn't define you!!

It's only a part of your journey and who you are is really up to you.

Now we take a look at Marshal Bruce Mathers 111 and we see a icon.

A trend setter a game changer. A man who will live in the souls and hearts of all of us forever.

I hope you guys found this read enjoyable, please let me know. Now question time , what is your hands down favorite Eminem song? Write it in the comments below.

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