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"Quarantine & Chill or Covid & Crying!?"

Was Covid a disaster for you or a nice reprieve from the daily grind?? Some people are are more extroverted and love the social aspect of going into and office and mingling with co-workers and being part of a team. While others prefer to work from the comfort of their home and would prefer a zoom meeting with their colleagues. I think Covid taught us a lot about who we are and maybe made us question why we do the things we do and maybe even question what’s really important in our lives.

I know personally, I didn’t know it at the time but I needed to slow down a bit. And Covid was a forced slow down. Not making light of the people and families that were devastated by loss of loved ones. But those of who are still with us I think were forced to do a “factory reset” of their lives so to speak.

We all get so caught up in the “busyness” of life that sometimes we forget to smell the roses once in a while. I know I do. I know a lot of us are feeling separation anxiety from friends or family. But on the other hand others need a break from their partners or friends. There’s an old saying that, “a little bit goes a long way” and especially when it comes to a significant others and I think a lot of couples are feeling the strain of having “too much” time together.

On the other side of that coin, people like myself who are single may be either enjoying the solitude or feeling the coldness of isolation from loved ones. I'm not a medical professional but I think it's safe to say the mental health of society as a whole is in deep trouble to say the least. I think we are due for some kind of awakening.

So with all that being said, now that things may hopefully be getting back to normal in at least some regards how is our country holding up!? Besides the political division in our country, which is nothing new, I think this will be a time in our country’s history where we will rise as a nation and pull together once again and unite like we have in the past, or at least that’s my hope...

Any thoughts!?!?

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