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Modeling Unwrapped

Updated: Jul 27, 2022



We all have are idea of what we consider a model? Our idea of what we consider beautiful. It's actually what makes models so interesting. Almost as if there's these hidden meaning behind it all. On one end of the spectrum you have the beautiful girl next store. That reminds you maybe of your very first crush. On the other end you have these unique exotic looking people that you have never seen anyone that looks like them, the aliens amongst us humans.

What really defines beauty, Is it really just a memory? Or is it something more? Over the years I found my attraction changing from one space to another I don't see attraction the way I did at all as a teenage girl growing up. Than my version of hottie's were the Kurt Cobain boys and Tupacs look a likes of the world. Lol

What is it that drives us to be moved, by one look to another and why has are design in what we market as beautiful, why has that market changed so very much?

Attraction has always for me seemed a little everywhere. I don't think there has been any one look I wasn't found of in the modeling world. I normally always find the best features In people I see first. What they'd consider a flaw, I problem wouldn't even notice.

What I want to share and talk about in this blog is how, birth defects, body sizes and social media has changed the ideal model look all together.

Exotic model used to just look like the beautiful Naomi Campbell a girl who had a English accent Jamaican heritage but European born. Now we find "exotic" has a whole entirely different meaning in the industry that we know.

" Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder " has really made a statement in the last few years. What we have identified, as Model has all together new look, age, and background.

What do you feel created this movement, In the evolution of model industry. Was it realizing a model was clearly a representative of us. Or is it just a trend we discovered and are embarking on.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or is it something much more.

Relating to things that are apart of us, is human nature. Beauty can be seen from so many different places. The idea is understanding that are opinion of beauty are filtered from places we've already been. A memory, a place traveled, a movie, a performer were fond of. Our lives experiences widen that opinion of what we consider beautiful. Or art

Walking into anything new can be tough. So much has changed we now have platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat. That are now giving us all new versions of creative artist. Modeling has become a whole new adventure.

Looking across the board at any of these platforms it's easy to see how many different beauties out there we haven't yet even discovered. Instagram has had a big hand in the evolution of modeling. Introducing beauty we’d never known In that way before.

Change is never easy, but it can be very beautiful. A master piece of images, creative artist all making new inventive art. Not everyone going to look like your childhood crush but the beauty you find outside of your neighborhood might be the adventure your life has been waiting for.

Everywhere I look nowadays I see beautiful people from all different walks of life. And I love that art can be found in so many different lights and in the faces of so many of us.

Loving all of it

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