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Updated: Nov 22, 2023

How almost a decade now, of organized crime , sabotage and harassment effected my normal go lucky life.

About five months ago in late August in California I was chased by a group of man in vehicles. While I ran then hid shivering and crying as quiet as I could behind bushes and trees, they circled the neighborhood. I can honestly still remember hearing their cars circling. Suddenly I heard several cars stop , I knelt waiting to hear what was coming next. I couldn't hear much but the tone of their voice, but I heard about three or more different male voices. Shortly after their car doors shut and they continued to search the area for me. I could hear them circling, stopping then on the search again.

Luckily I have guardian angles, when one of the man got out of his car to approach me it alerted the neighbors with all the noise they were making. They saw me hiding and protected my space without approaching me. It was something I'll never forget. A group of complete strangers protected me.

Believe this or not but this scary story didn't start here. A few weeks before my almost kidnapping , my life was threatened by this man I hardly knew. He said to me "if I wanted to live" yeah " live!" I would have to be with him.

It all started for me in the spring of 2018 , yeah we're going way back. I had just recently got out of a relationship. It was really life changing for me , mostly because we were

planning on getting married. Next thing you know , here I was moving into a townhouse by myself. It was nice a little spot we call , Old Town. For me and Bella, that's my dog by the way. It felt perfect lots of room, but that changed real fast. I had only been there a few days when the break in's started.

Ok , before I get a head of myself let me first explain about what type of break in's they were. Because the information surrounding this part of this story you're not going to want miss.

Total Steven King scary story brought to life , vibes.

Cult culture is no joke

Weirdest thing is they would take things out of my house , then put them back.

First week it was dog food, and so on and so on every week. Than they'd bring it back in some different container

It went from dog food and little creepy stuff like that to vandalism , first being my laptop computer , which instead of stealing it they unscrewed it. Shortly after my passport was stolen I spoke to my landlord about moving. I survived that situations about ten months.

During this time guys, my life was moving at a super fast pace. I was doing a lot of promotional modeling. I worked for about 8 different cosmetic companies as a vendor and I was a brand ambassador online for several brands. All the while still modeling ,

I didn't see the signs , I had no idea at that time what to even look for. But I had already been targeted and I also didn't know at that time I was already being heavily stalked.

I moved into another townhouse , same things happened. In this townhouse only difference is that it was a two bedroom. There came a point that I came home one day to a hole in my brick wall. Yeah guys a hole in my bedroom wall?!

Fast forward year 2020 covid lock down , year later the attacks were all virtual at this point because I was living in LA. So they broke into my bank accounts and my accounts were frozen shortly after this I moved back to AZ to sit out , the covid storm till work called me back to LA.

I was back in Arizona for about 3 months when the gang stalking started. What made this situation so hard for me then was the fact that we were all on lock down. I mean this was 24/7 stalking. Around the clock none stop harassment. I had no where to run cause nowhere was safe at that time.

Around the time that the gang stalking started , this older man that I had met during a promo job in Cave Creek , AZ in 2018 , showed up on my Facebook inbox. I was posting my issues about the stalking and the heavy illegal activity I was dealing with.

At the time it was so crazy. I had neighbors attacking me 24/7 that I had never seen or met.

So I was afraid, I didn't know what was going on. I was sort of open for anyone at that point that offered help. Because I had went to the management of the apt complex that I was living in at the time in North Scottsdale which is suppose to be a nice area , and they treated me like I deserved the harassment.

I had called the police , I don't even know how many times. they tried to help, but what could they do. You can't press charges without names and the complex was no help.

I had tried to get help and none was found. Even though they had broken many Arizona housing laws.

When he contacted me, it was almost perfect timing, which should have been a red flag. But also in my case I had so many messages on my media feeds it didn't seem like anything. I felt there is no way this is connected to me. Again, I had never met or seen the people harassing me or following me.

So here I was in 2020 talking to a guy I had only met once in 2018 hadn't seen or talk to since.

I know, not smart 😔

I was looking for answers, help, I felt alone. I wanted to solve all of it. I mean how many people are effected by organized crime? Not many? I thought , but I was very wrong.

And at that time I was only seeing what they were throwing at me , nothing else. It was hard to see anything else.

In 2021 it started off with just a couple of man following me to the mall. or on a hike.

Till it progressed to groups of people. It came to a point that it didn't matter were I was.

From all over the Phoenix valley to Airports to different states.

How was I to know than that this man was involved in everything bizarrely bad that had happened to me since 2018. Straight sabotaged by a actual agenda driven cult group

But my story doesn't end there though , when this man gave me the alternative and felt showing me who he really was. Was going to force me to go to him, he obviously thought wrong.

Sex trafficking is modern day slavery. Trust me when I tell you that these people have their own laws. They feel above the law and live by an almost religious way of operation.

As I still stand tall and fight for my freedom daily. I share this with you all , so that you know that some monsters are bigger than what we go through. Human trafficking is real and there are groups in our country that " idolize and respect" everything sex trafficking represents. I haven't shared everything that I have experienced it would be too much. I have many experiences that have occurred dealing with cult culture. But really what I experienced showed me that there are children out there families that are effected by these groups in the different ways. I realized then that this was way bigger than me. Now I just want to share my story to help communities come together to fight human trafficking organizations. Cause no life should be sacrificed for another person gain.

All life is sacred!

There has been many sacrifices made on American lands. It's time to heal , it's time to stand up. Real freedom starts with in us.


If you are a person targeted by human trafficking or know someone who has been targeted please contact the U.S. National Human Trafficking hotline at 1-888-373-7888

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