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"Deadpool oh Deadpool... Oh how we've missed you..."

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

Okay so I touched on previous blogs regarding, "The Hero's Journey." In my opinion, in you're an aspiring screenwriter this is an essential add to the library. (Or bookshelf). I know who has hard copies anymore?? Well I do. Not giving them up.

Anyway, so I have tried applying the hero's journey to my life because who doesn't want to be hero?? Well I do know some villians in real life so yeah... He he... Okay well we all know there are so many heroes in our lives that don't always get the credit they deserve, but this is about a fictional hero and one of my favorite movie franchises. So let's keep focused on that and one of my "comedy heroes," Mr. Deadpool himself, Ryan Reynolds... Deadpool is quite the hero. Technically an anti-hero but boy do we love the quick wit and neurotic inner monologue of Mr. Pool. I can relate. We all have a certain neuroticism right?

And we all have some sort of undiagnosed illness of some kind. So how brilliant is it to have an anti-hero who embraces this ?? I personally cope with my neuroticism with humor. Who else will admit it?? So who better to go all-in with all of the above then Mr. Reynolds. Comedy gold in my opinion. I could argue fact. But I know, I know. Comedy is subjective. Yeah, yeah... But I know funny and Deadpool is a silly goose, riot of a good ol' time.

I'm so excited after hearing the announcement of the third installment being bumped up to a May release in 2024. After all of the mayhem of the last few years I think we can all use some much needed laughs? Don't you think?? Okay, don't think too much, just relax. Says my therapist. Okay I caved. We're all healing right? Gen X'er's wouldn't bottle up our emotions would we ?? Okay we're the old people now I know but we're still cool right? Right?? (sigh...)

Okay well Ryan is. At least we know that.

Okay so unless you're one of the people that don't like working and don't have money please do yourself a favor and pre-pay for tickets for this movie when it comes out. I'm a big believer in timing now, (more then ever) and this film in my opinion is right on time for our collective mental health/sanity/need for escape AND lots and lots of laugh!!!

Thank you Ryan for being one of our heroes. Que Enrique Iglesias song in 3, 2, 1....

"You can be my hero baby...." Okay anyway, I'm getting out of hand.

My cinematic brain is riding this wave. Word of advice to newbee writers, ride that creative wave as long as possible. You don't know when the next "big wave" is coming... ;)

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