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Updated: May 1, 2022

The story of Goku,

My very first anime crush. Starts off as this alien boy who lands on planet earth and has the power of giant size gorilla inside of him. Awkward and trying to figure out who he is. He discovers that he's a defender of planet earth.

Adopted into a human family that loved him the way family does. Mentored his fighting skills with a design in mind to live by honor, respect and with meaning.

This Japanese series aired in 1989 for the first time on Fuji Television. Didn't reach America till Sept 13, 1996. Making Dragon Ball Z the first aired anime in the United States.

Over 25 years Dragon Ball Z has inspired and open the hearts of children, teens, and full grown adults alike. Creating a positive outlook at life with a superman vibe. Sending the message the hero is within you, by who you chose to be.

Even if you'r from a different planet with a full size giant gorilla inside of you. The choice to be good or evil

always lies with in you.

Goku goes through these epic battles against Gods and villains alike, aliens from different planets all with the goal to create chaos and terrorize and destroy planet earth.

With the help of family, friends and a little magic they are able to conquer all their fears.

My personal take on Goku is the process of his evolution. His stages of evolving, like everything else in our lives we must move on. My take on this was we must grow and sometimes we must die. Ok I know it sounds a little heavy "die" I mean this is metaphorically. Sometimes the only way to move on, only way to grow, evolve, is to let your old self die. So you may be reborn.

Each step in life, every battle Goku conquered every fear he over came. He evolved. He was reborn, stronger, wiser, he became A evolving evolution. A challenge for Goku became a self test of how much he could overcome.

Dragon Ball Z sent a clear message to viewers.

Not every battle easy but every battle definitely worth the fight.

The evolution of you, Is unstoppable

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